Source code for walter.config

from itertools import chain

import appdirs
import attr

from .na import NA
from .source_list import SourceList

class ConfigError(ValueError):
    key = attr.ib()
    error_type = attr.ib()  # one of 'not_found', 'cast_fail' TODO: validate
    exception = attr.ib(default=None)

    def __str__(self):
        if self.error_type == 'not_found':
            return "{} not set".format(self.key)
        return "{} set incorrectly, got {}: {}".format(

class ConfigErrors(ValueError):
    errors = attr.ib()

    def __str__(self):
        not_found_count = sum(
            1 for x in self.errors if x.error_type == 'not_found')
        cast_fail_count = sum(
            1 for x in self.errors if x.error_type == 'cast_fail')
        summary_line = "{} configuration values not set, {} invalid".format(
            not_found_count, cast_fail_count)
        return '\n'.join(chain(
            (summary_line, ''),
            (str(x) for x in self.errors)

[docs]class Config: """Creates a config object. :param author: Name of the person or company that created this program. Used on Windows to set the default search path. :type author: str :param name: Name of this program. Used on Windows to set the default search path. :type name: str :param sources: An iterable of :class:`~walter.sources.Source` objects to pull configuration from. Defaults to the following: - :class:`~walter.sources.EnvironmentSource` - :class:`~walter.sources.IniFileSource` :type sources: iterable :param search_path: An iterable of directories to search for configuration files. Defaults to the current directory, followed by an appropriate user and site config directory depending on the operating system. :type search_path: iterable """ def __init__(self, author, name, sources=None, search_path=None): if search_path is None: search_path = ( '.', appdirs.user_config_dir(name, author), appdirs.site_config_dir(name, author), ) self.search_path = search_path self.source = SourceList(search_path=search_path, input_sources=sources) self.values = [] self.help_text = {} self.errors = [] self.collect_errors = False def _report_error(self, error): if self.collect_errors: self.errors.append(error) else: raise error def __enter__(self): self.collect_errors = True return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # TODO: handle properly self.collect_errors = False if exc_value is None and self.errors: raise ConfigErrors(errors=self.errors)
[docs] def get(self, key, cast=None, help_text=None): """Get a configuration parameter. :param key: The name of the configuration parameter to get. :type key: str :param cast: A function to call on the returned parameter to convert it to the appropriate value. :type cast: function :param help_text: Help text to display to the user, explaining the usage of this parameter. :type help_text: str """ self.values.append(key) if help_text is not None: self.help_text[key] = help_text try: raw_value = self.source[key] except KeyError: self._report_error(ConfigError(key=key, error_type='not_found')) return NA if cast is not None: try: value = cast(raw_value) except Exception as e: self._report_error(ConfigError(key=key, error_type='cast_fail', exception=e)) return NA else: value = raw_value return value